Mind Readers/1 - Equinox 2004
This is absolutely the best program I have seen on Autism so far. There is a bit about Temple Grandin, an animal behaviour specialist who is also a high functioning autistic. She developed a system for hurding cows for slaughter in a more humane way. She feels that animal behaviour and autism can be comperatively similar in many ways. She noticed how the cows grow clamer when they're put into a head squize (for injections etc) and remembered how she used to stick her head under a pillow when frightened. Making a connection between these, she decided to built a machine for herself. (Pic.) and describes the experience of using it as calming and relaxing. Although this story differs a lot in An Antrologist From Marsh by O. Sacks in which Grandin describes the machine as a "hugger" it is in her bedroom and operated by a hydraulic machine which created a full body squize. It's very interesting either way although not all autistics feel the need for "hug". Autism is an extremely varied disorder where no two people have the same needs. Customising experiences to each individual seem to be the way to go in design.
The other interesting thing she came up with is understanding through metaphors. She describes human relationships as a glass door to be handled gently. If you push too hard it will break. She also talks about Mr Spok from Startrek how he handles emotion separately from rationale. Her insights are described in such a profound way.
The Sally Ann test show in the program was also fascinating, its about the innate ability of one person to sense the state of mind of another (a kind of empathy, in a way); and to be able to see the world through another person's eyes, another person's point of view. The details of the test found here: Sally-Annn Test
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