Thursday, November 10, 2005

Design Brief Nov.05

Subject: Design solutions to overcome difficulties associated with Autism

Specific areas of interest:
The Sensory World:
o Balance (vestibular) system
o Body awareness (proprioception) system
o Smell (olfactory) system
o Sight (visual) system
o Hearing (auditory) system
o Touch (tactile) system
o Taste (gustatory) system

Social Interactions:
o Lack of co-operation
o Passive Play
o No Role-play
o No T.O.M

Areas to explore:
is a concept that atypical neurological wiring (neurodivergent) is a normal human difference that is to be tolerated and respected as any other human difference? The concept of neurodiversity was created by some autistic individuals and people with related conditions, who believe that autism is not a disorder, but a part of who they are, and that curing autistic people would be the same as destroying their original personalities and replacing them with different people. However, others have adopted other terms, such as dyslexic, dyspraxic and hyperactive. (
o Positive aspects of
o What can be learned from
o Education of acceptance

Field Researh:
o Visits to special needs and ‘integration’ schools
o Spend time with Autistic children and their families

Academic Research:
o Read relevant literature, internet.
o Watch documentaries
o Interview focus groups

Design Ideation:
o Sketch and model ideas
o Invite comments from focus groups
o Research existing designs


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